Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dream that lives within you

Never settle for anything less than your purpose. Never go back on your word - make it count for more than just words. And when you lay your head down at night, you will find peace. Not only within yourself but with the dream that lives within you. And at the end if you are granted a chance to look back... You will smile for you will have lived your dream and your purpose will have been fulfilled.
Poem by Marsha B. Smith

Flying dreams

The joy in simple things is one of the greatest sources of happiness you can own. Whatever you understand, whatever you appreciate, is yours. That is the only ownership that is real and permanent.. . . . Hildegarde Hawthorne

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Dreamers (2003)

The story conflicts the dreams of three youngsters, who breathe and see the world through the cinema, and the reality of life, on the social movements on streets of Paris. The stone through the window of their apartment is a metaphor of the awakening of Isabelle and Theo. The direction is superb, the cinematography and camera are amazing, the story having the background of true events is delightful and the performance of the cast is perfect. The beauty of the unknown Eva Green is very impressive, and I really recommend this outstanding movie.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Oh, my dreams

Oh, my dreams come to me all the time,
Oh, my memories, why don’t you wait till I say,
Let me have some peace.
Why all of you are running like the clouds?

Dream healer

I've been learning a lot about remote healing lately and I have read some accounts of people being healed of critical illnesses from across the Planet. Have you ever heard of a Man named, Adam, and Dream Healer?
He has done some amazing things for people, and cured most anything we could think of! I think it's:
(Extracted from my Zaadz blog)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the dream world

'In the dream world, the luminous one attains higher and lower states and creates many forms-now, as it were, enjoying himself in the company of women, now laughing, now even beholding frightful sights.( Yajur Veda, Brihadaranyaka Upanishad IV, III-Investigation of the Three States, 13 )

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Is life a dream?

Top scientist asks: is life all just a dream?The idea that life, the universe and everything in it could be an illusion dates back more than 2,000 years. Chuang Tzu, the Chinese philosopher, who died in 295BC, wondered whether his entire life might be no more than a dream.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Dreaming mind

"The dreaming mind recalls past impressions.It sees again what has been seen; it hears again what has been heard, enjoys againwhat has been enjoyed in many places.Seen and unseen, heard and unheard, enjoyed and unenjoyed, the real and the unreal, the mind sees all; the mind sees all."-Prashna Upanishad

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is a state in which the sleeper becomes alert and conscious that he or she is dreaming. The imagery in this state is reported to be more vivid than in non-lucid states, and it is difficult to distinguish between the dream and reality. The dreamer is able to control what is dreamed.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Do you have a dream?

Do you have a dream that you can't explain? Are you worried by a nightmare or concerned that a bad dream may be a portent of the future? Do you have a particularity nasty dream that keeps coming back to haunt you?

Friday, February 15, 2008

Dreams that slip

What is this happiness of which the poets speak? Beats me. I have glimpsed it fleetingly in the shreds and scraps of dreams that slip away with the dawn—evanescent, like life itself. The better life is, the sooner it will seem to be over, and the greater the regret at leaving it behind.

Dreams are experience

Dreams are the images, thoughts and feelings experienced while asleep, particularly strongly associated with rapid eye movement sleep. The contents and purpose of dreams are poorly understood, though they have been a topic of speculation and interest throughout recorded history.(

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Dream things

“You see things as they are and you say, "Why?"But I dream things that never were, and I say, "Why not?"”
~ George Bernard Shaw

Monday, February 11, 2008


woman goes on vacation to meet her married lover, but their plans are thwarted by his wife. She then leaves and meets a wealthy, but self-centered man who charms her, but she cannot return his desires. She returns to Stockholm unfulfilled.
from: Yahoo movies


What are these dreams, mental images , created by our own mind. Some of them are just imaginations and not real. our sub conscious too play an important part in this. even if we try to forget some thing, it just record it and play back while in our sleep in the form of dreams. In certain cases some thing happens as real. So far no one able to prove it. It seems mystics have the power to control the dreams where they appear and advise etc. Even this has to be scientifically proven.alright, have you had any sweet dreams so far, why not describe them to every one to see and enjoy.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dreams you want to realise

The power of the word is real whether or not you are conscious of it. Your own words are the bricks and mortar of the dreams you want to realize. Behind every word flows energy.
-Sonia Choquette

Friday, February 8, 2008


Azedia is about peak experience - the relationship between subject and object, and the nondual reality from which all of this arises. The name is original and reflects the various heights we go to while trying to describe the ineffable. Azedia embraces all concepts and all forms of media designed to reach that end.Because spirituality is just one component of our personality, Azedia also explores peak areas of "thisness and thatness" in our daily lives. More often than not these stories are uncovered by major news outlets, but they are almost certain to be of interest to the average seeker.An up-and-comer in the blogosphere, Azedia appeals to the rationally inclined, the politically liberal, and that group Jack Kerouac endearingly called Dharma Bum and Zen Lunatics. Those with an interest in Rock & Roll should also find something interesting here–especially on Fridays and over the weekend.
Quoted from:

an unsettling dream

Last visit to my therapist, I told her about an unsettling dream I’ve been having once or twice a week.
“I’m either anxious about something,” I told her, “or I’m watching too much ‘Star Wars.’”
“Describe it,” she said.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

forgetting dreams

If movies are considered as dreams, actual dreamer of those are the directors of those movies. It is their dream produced as movies and presented to the public. Movie heroes and heroines too become dreams of the fans.Respective fans always dream of them. Whenever they liten to the songs of that particular movie they just imagine the scenes in their mind. Imagination and fantasies too can be classified as dreams. They need not actually in the night time dreams. Babies new born also dreams. Old people also dream. Animals, birds, and almost all the living beings have their own dreams. so there is nothing wrong with dreams because they are a naturanl phenomena. Any body telling , 'they never dream' will be a lie. Most people forget their dreams immediately they are awakened. This happens because they never gives any prominence to their dreams.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Movies are also dreams

actually dream time belongs to the night time sleeping. That is why pillows covers bear the words sweet dreams. So there are bitter dreams too.Lot of kinds of dreams are there. Scientists and others are still researching about dreams.No one knows how to control them. Night time deemed to be the time for dreams but even day light too there are people who sleep and dream. Ther are people dreaming without sleeping.It is some kind of imagination.People who succeded because of dreams are also there.Great scientist Eienstein found his famous relativity theory from a dream.If you are good dreamer, you too can win in this world.There are people who just dream forever and not winning at all.Dream works is a company producing movies.This means that they produce as movies as whatever they have dreamed and people enjoy those movies. then there was a Novel called 'Dream merchants' which was also fully dedicated to movie makers who were merchandising their dreams thought fit for people.So movies a re also a kind dreams.We see them in the theaters and now on televisions too.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Dreaming forever

welcome to the Dreaming time for dreaming forever in this dreaming world.