Wednesday, September 8, 2010

You can also control the dream

It is possible for a dreamer to remain cognisant during his dream state of the fact that he is dreaming. Learn to be the witness of your thoughts in the waking state. You can be conscious in the dream state that you are dreaming. You can alter, stop or create your own thoughts in the dream state independently. You will be able to keep awake in the dream state. If the thoughts of the waking state are controlled, you can also control the dream thoughts.- Swami Sivananda

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Dreams are a clear indication

"Dreams are a clear indication that the sleeping brain is working on memories at multiple levels, including ways that will directly improve performance,"  - Stickgold

Monday, September 6, 2010

Last night I flew to the moon

Last night I flew to the moon, teleported back to my childhood home, explored the depths of the ocean on the back of a dolphin, passed through a portal into another dimension, ran through walls, jumped off skyscrapers, and observed what the world would look like 1,000 years from now.
source:Lucid Dreaming – Waking Up to Alternate Realities , by Rebecca Turner from: evolution ezine

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Awakening From The Day Dream

However, the practice of awakening from the daydream, both in formal meditation sessions and in our daily lives, can mesh with people like us. You can do it at work, on vacation, after a wonderful night of rest, or even if you've had three hours' sleep the night before and are up late struggling to finish a project or a term paper. This practice of awakening from the daydream, connecting with the awakened state of mind, beyond judgment, evaluation, causes and conditions, in this very moment, is always available, and can be profound and surprisingly refreshing! from: A Buddhist Sleep Lesson: Awakening From The Day Dream; by: David Nichtern,Senior Shambhala Buddhist teacher